Toddler Economics

Understanding "Money Moves": Navigating Our Finances with Faith

In our lives, money is a constant presence, influencing decisions, shaping our days, and often causing stress. But what if we could align our financial management with our faith? This is the heart of our latest conversation series, "Money Moves," where we explore how to win with money God's way.

The Power of Money and the Promise of God

Money has a unique ability to motivate us, sometimes pushing us beyond our comfort zones. Yet, as believers, we're called to a different standard – one that involves winning with money according to God's principles. It's not about the accumulation of wealth for its own sake but managing our finances under God's guidance.

Overcoming the Stigma Around Money and Faith

Discussing money in a church setting can be uncomfortable, given past experiences with financial mismanagement. However, addressing this topic is crucial for spiritual leaders, as the Bible offers extensive wisdom on financial stewardship. Embracing God's plan for our finances can lead us from struggle to stability and beyond.

The Biblical Perspective on Wealth

Deuteronomy 8 reminds us of the importance of remembering God as our provider, especially in times of prosperity. Wealth can make us forgetful of its origins, but God's intention is for us to use our resources to establish His covenant and fulfill His purposes.

Kingdom Economics vs. Toddler Economics

In the kingdom of God, we recognize that everything we have belongs to Him. This contrasts with "toddler economics," where we claim ownership over all we possess. Embracing kingdom economics means acknowledging God's ownership and our role as stewards.

Stewardship: The First Step to Financial Stability

Stewardship is about managing what God has entrusted to us. This includes creating and adhering to a budget, which allows us to direct our money purposefully rather than letting it control us. Faithfulness in little things positions us for greater responsibility and blessing.

Surrender: The Heart of Kingdom Economics

True financial stability begins with surrender. Letting go of our need to control and trusting God with our finances is essential. It's about acknowledging that we need His wisdom and guidance to manage our resources effectively.

Catch the sermon right here!


As we embark on this journey of aligning our finances with our faith, let's challenge ourselves to apply these principles to our lives.