Our Vision

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We believe Hope has a name, Jesus! Our Sunday gatherings are called "Weekend Experiences" because we want people to experience the hope of Jesus each weekend. We believe that when you experience the hope of Jesus, you'll find a rich and satisfying life. Everything we do is with this goal in mind.

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One of our basic human needs is for human connection. That’s because we all want to be fully known and truly loved! We’re on a journey of learning how to love well. Your life will begin to flourish when you build friendships that are both life-giving, honest and long-lasting.

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Live Wide is about living the God-dream, yet discovering that the essence of life is leveraging our unique fingerprints to leave a lasting mark on our world, for the glory of God and for generations to come.

Our Culture Code

Our Culture Code is what we believe to our core. our four components guide our church with a Christian focused approach.
Man in wheel chair receiving gift in white gift bag from church.

Jesus is Our Hope

To experience hope is not a matter of wishful thinking, but rather firmly grasping a truth that has the power to break us free from the bondage of helplessness. It is a realization that the fulfillment we spend our lives searching for is found in Jesus!

Love is Our Way

What if we thought differently about the people we were called to reach? What if instead of only thinking of people as "lost," we made it our mission to see them, first, as loved? Lost might be their location but loved is their identity.

Laughter is Our Fuel

Laughter is a gift from God. We were created to worship and enjoy God! The enemy of our soul wants us to believe that "fun" can only be found in things outside of God's will. That couldn't be further from the truth! God is not the killer of joy! He's the source of it!

Honor is Our Posture

Church is not just a place. It's a collective-a people, of all ethnic backgrounds, where are differences are celebrated and not just tolerated or ignored. We bring heaven to earth when we honor people of all ages, stages, races and cultures.
Pastor on stage with arms wide open