A woman giving a sermon with the words "Do It For The Culture" written above her.

Do It For The Culture

Do It for the Culture: A Kingdom Perspective

Pastor Lydia delivered a powerful message this Sunday, focusing on the theme "Do It for the Culture." This sermon explored the concept of culture from a Kingdom perspective, emphasizing how we, as followers of Christ, should live out our faith in a way that reflects Kingdom values. Below is a summary of the key points and lessons from the sermon, structured to help you understand and apply these teachings in your daily life.

What is Culture?

Understanding Culture

Culture consists of shared values, customs, and beliefs that make up a group's identity. In the context of the sermon, "Do it for the culture" means upholding the values and standards of Kingdom culture, not worldly culture.

Hope X Culture Code

At Hope X, we have a culture code that guides our actions and interactions. This code is not just for Sundays but extends to every day of the week. It’s a God thing, a Kingdom culture that we are called to live out.

Jesus is Our Hope

Biblical Foundation

1 Peter 1:3-7 emphasizes that Jesus is our living hope. This hope is rooted in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promises of God. Despite the troubles we may face, our trust and confidence remain in Jesus.

Real-Life Application

Whether you're going through personal struggles, financial difficulties, or health issues, remember that Jesus is your hope. He is with you in every circumstance, and nothing can separate you from His love.

Love is Our Way

Biblical Foundation

1 Peter 3:8-9 calls us to live together in peace, love each other as brothers, and be kind and humble. We are to bless those who wrong us, reflecting God's unconditional love.

Real-Life Application

Loving your enemies and those who hurt you is challenging, but it is possible through God's love. Pray for those who have wronged you and ask God to bless them. This reflects the profound love God has for all His children.

Honor is Our Posture

Biblical Foundation

1 Peter 2:16-17 instructs us to show respect for all people, love the brothers and sisters of God's family, and honor the king. Honor means treating everyone with deep respect and valuing them as God's creation.

Real-Life Application

Honor everyone, regardless of their background, status, or behavior. Treat them with the same care and respect you would give to something valuable. This reflects God's love and respect for all His creation.

Laughter is Our Fuel

Biblical Foundation

1 Peter 4:12-14 encourages us to be joyful even in the face of suffering. Joy comes from knowing that God's Spirit rests on us and that we are part of His eternal glory.

Real-Life Application

Find joy in every situation, knowing that God is with you. Rejoice in the Lord always, and let laughter be your fuel. This joy is not dependent on circumstances but on your relationship with God.

How to Do It for the Culture


1 Peter 5:5-7 calls us to clothe ourselves with humility. Humility means putting aside pride and being fully dependent on God. It’s about focusing on what’s best for the whole, not just for oneself.


1 Peter 2:2-3 emphasizes the importance of knowing God's word. Study the Bible to understand the past, present, and future of Kingdom culture. This knowledge helps you live out your faith effectively.


1 Peter 5:8-10 urges us to be watchful and intentional in our actions. Plan, practice, and be disciplined in living out Kingdom values. This intentionality helps you stand firm in your faith and reflect Christ in your daily life.

Catch the sermon right here!

Living out Kingdom culture requires humility, knowledge of God's word, and intentionality. As you go about your week, remember to do it for the culture. Live in such a way that others see your good deeds and recognize that you are different, leading them to want to know more about Jesus. Let your life be a testament to the hope, love, honor, and joy that come from being part of God's Kingdom.