Breaking The Idol of "Now"- How Faith Grows

Growing in Faith: Lessons from Exodus 32

In today's sermon, we explored the story of the golden calf in Exodus 32 and its implications for our faith journey. This biblical narrative offers profound insights into how we grow in our faith, the obstacles we face, and the mechanisms God uses to strengthen our trust in Him. Let's delve into the key points and lessons from this powerful message.

The Idol of Now

What Happened in Exodus 32?

The Israelites, having been delivered from Egypt, found themselves in a period of waiting as Moses went up Mount Sinai to receive instructions from God. Impatient and anxious, they pressured Aaron into creating a golden calf to worship. This act of idolatry stemmed from their unwillingness to wait on God's timing.

How You Wait is a Form of Worship

The Israelites' impatience led them to create an idol, demonstrating that how we wait on God is a form of worship. When we demand immediate answers or solutions, we often bow to the "idol of now," rejecting the growth that comes from trusting God's timing.

Understanding Faith

What is Faith?

Faith is described as a supernatural persuasion that enables us to trust in God. It is not merely self-confidence or human effort but a divine gift that opens our hearts to believe in God's promises.

The Root of Faith

The foundation of faith is the gospel of Jesus Christ. A deeply rooted faith in the gospel allows us to build our lives on the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Without this foundation, our faith cannot grow strong.

Growing in Faith

Deep Roots

Colossians 2:7 emphasizes the importance of letting our roots grow deep into Christ. A strong faith is a result of being deeply rooted in the gospel. When our lives are built on Jesus, our faith has the capacity to grow and withstand challenges.

Tests and Trials

Tests and trials are essential for growing our faith. They are not strange occurrences but expected parts of our faith journey. These challenges reveal the genuineness of our faith and help us develop a deeper trust in God.

Proactive Memory

A proactive memory involves recalling God's past faithfulness to strengthen our faith in present trials. By keeping a record of God's goodness, we can remind ourselves of His unchanging nature and trust Him even when circumstances seem dire.

Life Application

Applying the Lessons

To grow in faith, we need to:

  1. Pray God's Word: Instead of pleading in desperation, pray the promises found in Scripture.
  2. Trust His Promises: Hold on to God's promises, especially when facing specific problems.
  3. Act Like You Know: Let your actions reflect your knowledge of God's character and faithfulness.

Catch the sermon right here!

This week, challenge yourself to identify any idols of now in your life and actively work to dethrone them. Focus on deepening your roots in the gospel, embracing tests and trials as growth opportunities, and maintaining a proactive memory of God's past faithfulness. Pray God's Word, trust His promises, and act like you know who He is.

By applying these principles, you can grow in your faith and experience the peace and strength that come from a deep, unwavering trust in God.